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(noʊ)v. knew, known, know•ing,
n. v.t.
If you know that something is true, you are aware that it is true. The past tense of know is knew. The -ed participle is known.
Be Careful!
Don't use a progressive form with know. Don't say, for example, 'I am knowing that this is true'. You say 'I know that this is true'.
If someone tells you a fact that you already know, or if they say something and you agree, you say 'I know'.
In American English you can also say 'I know it' in this situation. However, this often indicates that you are angry or annoyed.
If you say that you will let someone know something, you mean that you will give them some information when you receive it, or if you receive it.
If you know a person, place, or thing, you are acquainted with them or are familiar with them.
If you want to say that someone gradually becomes acquainted with a person or gradually becomes familiar with a place, you say that they get to know the person or place.
Be Careful!
Don't use know without get to to mean 'become acquainted with'.
If you know how to do something, you have the necessary knowledge to do it.
Don't say that someone 'knows to' do something.
Past participle: known
Gerund: knowing
Imperative |
know |
know |
Noun | 1. | know - the fact of being aware of information that is known to few people; "he is always in the know" knowing - a clear and certain mental apprehension |
Verb | 1. | know - be cognizant or aware of a fact or a specific piece of information; possess knowledge or information about; "I know that the President lied to the people"; "I want to know who is winning the game!"; "I know it's time" keep track - keep informed of fully aware; "I keep track of the stock market developments" know - be aware of the truth of something; have a belief or faith in something; regard as true beyond any doubt; "I know that I left the key on the table"; "Galileo knew that the earth moves around the sun" ignore - be ignorant of or in the dark about |
2. | know - know how to do or perform something; "She knows how to knit"; "Does your husband know how to cook?" be on the ball, be with it, know the score, know what's going on, know what's what - be well-informed master, control - have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of; "Do you control these data?" get the hang, master - be or become completely proficient or skilled in; "She mastered Japanese in less than two years" | |
3. | know - be aware of the truth of something; have a belief or faith in something; regard as true beyond any doubt; "I know that I left the key on the table"; "Galileo knew that the earth moves around the sun" | |
4. | know - be familiar or acquainted with a person or an object; "She doesn't know this composer"; "Do you know my sister?"; "We know this movie"; "I know him under a different name"; "This flower is known as a Peruvian Lily" know - perceive as familiar; "I know this voice!" | |
5. | know - have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations; "I know the feeling!"; "have you ever known hunger?"; "I have lived a kind of hell when I was a drug addict"; "The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare"; "I lived through two divorces" taste - experience briefly; "The ex-slave tasted freedom shortly before she died" experience, go through, see - go or live through; "We had many trials to go through"; "he saw action in Viet Nam" | |
6. | ![]() accept - consider or hold as true; "I cannot accept the dogma of this church"; "accept an argument" | |
7. | know - have fixed in the mind; "I know Latin"; "This student knows her irregular verbs"; "Do you know the poem well enough to recite it?" have down - have (something) mastered; "She has the names of the fifty states down pat" | |
8. | ![]() bonk, do it, eff, fuck, get it on, get laid, have a go at it, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, have sex, be intimate, lie with, roll in the hay, screw, sleep together, sleep with, make love, hump, jazz, love, bed, bang, make out | |
9. | know - know the nature or character of; "we all knew her as a big show-off" | |
10. | know - be able to distinguish, recognize as being different; "The child knows right from wrong" differentiate, distinguish, secern, secernate, severalise, severalize, tell apart, separate, tell - mark as different; "We distinguish several kinds of maple" | |
11. | know - perceive as familiar; "I know this voice!" know - be familiar or acquainted with a person or an object; "She doesn't know this composer"; "Do you know my sister?"; "We know this movie"; "I know him under a different name"; "This flower is known as a Peruvian Lily" |
be acquainted with be unfamiliar with
be familiar with be ignorant of, be unfamiliar with
[nəʊ] (knew (pt) (known (pp)))to know the difference between → saber la diferencia entre ...
she knows a lot about chemistry → sabe mucho de química
I don't know much about history → no sé mucho de historia
I don't know much about that → no sé mucho de eso
I know nothing about it; I don't know anything about it → no sé nada de eso
he knows all the answers → lo sabe todo
one minute you're leaving school, then before you know it, you've got a family to support → dejas el colegio y al minuto siguiente, antes de darte cuenta, tienes una familia que mantener
to know why/when/where/if → saber por qué/cuándo/dónde/si
to know how to do sth → saber hacer algo
do you know how he did that? → ¿sabes cómo lo hizo?
you know how it is → ya sabes cómo son las cosas
you don't know how glad I am to see you → no sabes cuánto me alegro de verte
I'll or I'd have you know that → que sepas que ..., para que te enteres, ...
you haven't time, as well he knew → no tienes tiempo, como él bien sabía
you know as well as I do that → sabes tan bien como yo que ...
to know what → saber qué or lo que
I know what I said → ya sé qué or lo que dije
he doesn't know what to do → no sabe qué hacer
I don't know whether or not you've heard, but → no sé si has oído o no pero ...
to know what's what → saber cuántas son cinco
that's all you know! → ¡y más que podría yo contarte!
don't I know it! → ¡a mí me lo vas a contar!
"she's furious" - "don't I know it?" → -está furiosa -¡a mí me lo vas a contar!
how was I to know that ... ? → ¿cómo iba yo a saber que ...?
I should have known you'd mess things up! → debería haberme figurado or imaginado que ibas a estropear las cosas
do you know what, I think she did it! → ¿sabes una cosa? creo que lo hizo ella
I know what, let's drop in on Daphne! → ¡ya sé! ¡vamos a pasarnos por casa de Daphne!
you know what you can do with it! → ¡mételo por donde te quepa!
(well,) what do you know! → ¿qué te parece?, ¡fíjate!, ¡mira nomás! (LAm)
what does he know about dictionaries! → ¡qué sabrá él de diccionarios!
Peter, wouldn't you know it, can't come! → Peter, como era de esperar, no puede venir
do you know him? → ¿lo conoces?
to know French → saber francés
to know one's classics/linguistic theory → saberse los clásicos/la teoría lingüística
most of us know him only as a comedian → la mayoría de nosotros lo conocemos sólo como comediante
civilization as we know it → la civilización tal y como la conocemos
don't you know me better than that! → ¿o es que no me conoces?, ¡como si no me conocieras!
to know sb by sight/name → conocer a algn de vista/de nombre
to know sb by reputation → haber oído hablar de algn
she knew him for a liar and a cheat → sabía que era un mentiroso y un tramposo
they know each other from university → se conocen de la universidad
if I know him, he'll say no → me apuesto a que dice que no
she knows her own mind → sabe lo que quiere
it's not what you know, it's who you know → lo importante no es lo que sabes sino a quién conoces
he is known to have been there → se sabe que ha estado allí
I've never known him to smile → nunca lo he visto sonreír
I've never known her to be wrong → que yo sepa nunca se ha equivocado
it has never been known to happen → no se tienen noticias de que haya pasado nunca
I don't know him to speak to → no lo conozco personalmente
you know what I mean → ya me entiendes, ya sabes lo que quiero decir
I know the problem! → conozco el problema
I know the problems that arise when → sé los problemas que surgen cuando ...
he knew me at once → me reconoció en seguida
I'd have known you anywhere → te hubiese reconocido en cualquier parte
I knew him by his voice → le reconocí por la voz
to know right from wrong → saber distinguir el bien del mal
she knows a good thing when she sees it → sabe reconocer algo bueno cuando lo ve
I don't know if or that it's a very good idea → no sé si es una buena idea, no estoy seguro de que sea una buena idea
I don't know if I can do it → no sé si puedo hacerlo
to get to know sb → (llegar a) conocer a algn
I'd like to get to know you better → me gustaría (llegar a) conocerte mejor
we got to know each other during military service → llegamos a conocernos bien durante la mili
to get to know sth as you get to know the piece better → cuando conoces mejor la pieza ..., cuando estás más familiarizado con la pieza ...
get to know the area before buying a house → estudia bien la zona antes de comprar una casa
to let sb know ... I'll let you know the price as soon as I can → en cuanto sepa el precio te lo digo
let us know if you need help → avísanos si necesitas ayuda
let me know if you can't come → avísame si no puedes venir
let me know how you get on → ya me contarás cómo te fue
I don't know → no (lo) sé
yes, I know → si, ya lo sé
Mummy knows best → mamá sabe lo que te conviene
he doesn't know any better → no sabe lo que hace
he thinks he's going to get the job, but I know better → cree que va a conseguir el trabajo, pero yo sé mejor lo que cabe esperar
you ought to know better than to → ya deberías saber que no se puede ...
Mary knows better than to risk upsetting me → Mary sabe demasiado bien que no le conviene que me enfade
how should I know? → ¿cómo iba yo a saberlo?
I know, let's → ya sé, vamos a ...
one never knows, you never know → nunca se sabe
there's no (way of) knowing → no hay manera de saberlo
afterwards they just don't want to know (in relationships) → después "si te he visto no me acuerdo"; (in business) → después no quieren saber nada del asunto
who knows? → ¿quién sabe?
"was she annoyed about it?" - "I wouldn't know" → -¿se enfadó por eso? -¿y yo que sé?
it's not easy, you know → no es fácil, sabes
you know, I think I'm beginning to like Richard → ¿sabes? creo que me está empezando a gustar Richard
see also all B4
to know about to know about sth/sb: did you know about Paul? → ¿te has enterado de or sabes lo de Paul?
I didn't know about the accident → no me había enterado de lo del accidente, no sabía nada de lo del accidente
I'd known about his illness for some time → sabía lo de su enfermedad hacía tiempo
everything you always wanted to know about sex → todo lo que siempre ha querido saber sobre el sexo
she knows about cats → ella entiende de gatos
"you must be delighted!" - "I don't know about that" → ¡debes estar encantado! -no sé qué decirte
"you're a genius!" - "oh, I don't know about that" → -¡eres un genio! -hombre, no sé qué decirte
"I'm taking tomorrow off" - "I don't know about that!" → -mañana me tomo el día libre -no sé, habrá que ver
I don't know about you, but I think it's terrible → a ti no sé, pero a mí me parece terrible
to get to know about sth → enterarse de algo
to know of (= be acquainted with) → conocer
I know of a nice little café → conozco un pequeño café muy agradable
I don't know him but I know OF him → no lo conozco pero he oído hablar de él; (= be aware of) I know of no reason why he should have committed suicide → que yo sepa no tenía razones para suicidarse
the first I knew of it was when Pete told me → lo primero que oí or supe del asunto fue lo que me dijo Pete
that was the first I knew of it → esa fue la primera noticia que tuve del asunto
not that I know of → que yo sepa, no
to let sb know we'll let you know → ya te diremos lo que sea, ya te avisaremos
I'll let you know on Monday → te diré lo que sea el lunes
why didn't you let me know? → ¿por qué no me lo dijiste?
to be in the know (= well-informed) → estar enterado; (= privy to sth) → estar al tanto or al corriente
those not in the know → los que no lo sabían
[ˈnəʊ]I don't know her address → Je ne sais pas or je ne connais pas son adresse.
what do they know? (= they know nothing) → qu'est-ce qu'ils en savent?
I don't know what to do → Je ne sais pas quoi faire.
to know what to expect → savoir à quoi s'attendre
We knew what to expect → Nous savions à quoi nous attendre.
you know what I mean → tu vois ce que je veux dire
You don't know how much it means to me → Tu ne peux pas savoir à quel point c'est important pour moi.
to know how to do sth → savoir faire qch
The doctors know how to deal with the disease → Les médecins savent traiter la maladie.
I don't know how to do it → Je ne sais pas comment faire.
to know how sth happens → savoir comment qch arrive
We don't know how children acquire language → Nous ne savons pas comment les enfants acquièrent le langage.
to know that → savoir que
I know that you like chocolate → Je sais que tu aimes le chocolat.
I didn't know that your Dad was a policeman → Je ne savais pas que ton père était policier.
I knew that he lived somewhere in Glasgow → Je savais qu'il habitait quelque part à Glasgow.
I knew at once that something was wrong → J'ai tout de suite su que quelque chose n'allait pas.
to get to know sth [+ fact] → prendre connaissance de qch
to let sth be known [+ intentions] → faire connaître qch
to let it be known (that) ... → faire savoir que ...
The Prime Minister has let it be known that he is against it → Le Premier ministre a fait savoir qu'il est contre.
well, what do you know! → voyez-vous ça !
to know better than to do sth (= not make the mistake of doing sth) → ne pas être assez bête pour faire qch
I know her → Je la connais.
I don't know him → Je ne le connais pas
I know Paris well → Je connais bien Paris.
Do you know the poem "Kubla Khan"? → Tu connais le poème "Kubla Khan"?
to get to know sb → apprendre à connaître qn
He's quite nice once you get to know him → Il est très gentil une fois qu'on a appris à le connaître.
to get to know a country → apprendre à connaître un pays
I don't know any German → Je ne parle pas du tout allemand., Je ne connais pas du tout l'allemand
She knew a few words of English → Elle connaissait quelques mots d'anglais.
He knew a good bargain when he saw one → Il savait reconnaître une bonne affaire lorsqu'il en voyait une.
to know right from wrong → savoir distinguer le bien du mal
Everyone knew him as Dizzy → Il était connu de tout le monde sous le nom de Dizzy., Tout le monde le connaissait sous le nom de Dizzy.
to be known as (= called) → être connu sous le nom de
BSE, more commonly known as Mad Cow Disease → l'ESB, plus connue sous le nom de maladie de la vache folle
It's a long way. - Yes, I know → C'est loin. - Oui, je sais.
I don't know → Je ne sais pas.
The white dress, you know, the one with the short sleeves → La robe blanche, tu sais, celle à manches courtes.
how should I know? → comment voulez-vous que je le sache?
you never know! → on ne sait jamais!
as far as I know ... → à ma connaissance ..., autant que je sache ...
how was I to know (that) ...? → comment aurais-je pu savoir que ...?
Do you know about the meeting this afternoon? → Tu es au courant de la réunion de cet après-midi?, Tu es au courant pour la réunion de cet après-midi?
He knew about the killing → Il était au courant du meurtre., Il avait eu vent du meurtre.
I don't know about that (= don't agree) → je n'en suis pas si sûr
He knows about cars → Il s'y connaît en voitures.
to know a lot about sth → bien s'y connaître en qch
I don't know much about computers → Je ne m'y connais pas bien en informatique.
to know nothing about sth → ne rien connaître à qch
She knew nothing about music → Elle ne connaissait rien à la musique.
She didn't know anything about music → Elle ne connaissait rien à la musique.
Many people did not even know of their existence → Nombreux étaient ceux qui ne connaissait même pas son existence.
Do you know of a good hairdresser? → Tu connais un bon coiffeur?
no, not that I know of (= not as far as I know) → non, pas autant que je sacheknow-all [ˈnəʊɔːl] n (British) → je-sais-tout mf
He's such a know-all! → C'est Monsieur je-sais-tout!know-how [ˈnəʊhaʊ] n (= expertise) → savoir-faire m
They are dependent on Western know-how → Ils dépendent du savoir-faire occidental.
vb: pret <knew>, ptp <known>→ wissen; who knows? → wer weiß?, weiß ichs?; I know! → ich weiß!, weiß ich (doch)!; (having a good idea) → ich weiß was!, ich habe eine Idee!; I don’t know → (das) weiß ich nicht; as far as I know → soviel ich weiß, meines Wissens; he just didn’t want to know → er wollte einfach nicht hören; afterwards they just didn’t want to know → nachher wollten sie einfach nichts mehr davon wissen; I wouldn’t know (inf) → weiß ich (doch) nicht (inf); don’t you know? → weißt du das denn nicht?; how should I know? → wie soll ich das wissen?; how was I to know? → wie sollte ich das wissen?; I’m damned if I know (inf) → ich habe echt keinen Schimmer (inf); the channel was rough, as I well know or as well I know! → die Überfahrt war stürmisch, das kann ich dir sagen
? to know that … → wissen, dass …
when I saw the ambulance, I knew (that) something was wrong → als ich den Krankenwagen sah, wusste ich, dass etwas nicht stimmte
? to know why… → wissen, warum …; he didn’t know why → er wusste nicht, warum; I don’t know why you think it’s so funny → ich weiß nicht, was du daran so komisch findest
? to know how to know how to do something (in theory) → wissen, wie man etw macht; (in practice) → etw tun können; I know how you feel → ich weiß, wie Sie sich fühlen; I don’t know how you can say that! → wie kannst du das nur sagen!; you don’t know how good it is to see you again → Sie wissen gar nicht, wie sehr ich mich freue, Sie wiederzusehen
? to know better I know better than that → ich bin ja nicht ganz dumm; I know better than to say something like that → ich werde mich hüten, so etwas zu sagen; he knows better than to eat into the profits → er ist nicht so dumm, den Gewinn anzugreifen; he/you ought to have known better → das war dumm (von ihm/dir); he ought to have or should have known better than to do that → es war dumm von ihm, das zu tun; you ought to know better at your age → in deinem Alter müsste man das aber (besser) wissen; they don’t know any better → sie kennens nicht anders; he says he didn’t do it, but I know better → er sagt, er war es nicht, aber ich weiß, dass das nicht stimmt
? to know best OK, you know best → o.k., Sie müssens wissen; mother always knows best → Mutter weiß es am besten
? to get to know to get to know somebody → jdn kennenlernen; to get to know something (methods, techniques, style, pronunciation etc) → etw lernen; habits, faults, shortcuts etc → etw herausfinden; to get to know a place → einen Ort kennenlernen
? to let sb know to let somebody know something (= not keep back) → jdn etw wissen lassen; (= tell, inform) → jdm von etw Bescheid sagen or geben; he soon let me know what he thought of it → er hat mich schnell wissen lassen, was er davon hielt; when can you let me know? → wann können Sie es mich wissen lassen?, wann können Sie mir Bescheid sagen?
? you know… you know, we could/there is … → weißt du, wir könnten/da ist …; he gave it away, you know → er hat es nämlich weggegeben; it’s raining, you know → es regnet; then there was this man, you know, and … → und da war dieser Mann, nicht (wahr), und …; wear the black dress, you know, the one with the red belt → zieh das schwarze Kleid an, du weißt schon, das mit dem roten Gürtel; it’s long and purple and, you know, sort of crinkly → es ist lang und lila und, na ja, so kraus; (if you) know what I mean → du weißt schon
? you never know → man kann nie wissen
? I’ll have you know it was nothing to do with me, I’ll have you know! → es hatte nichts mit mir zu tun, damit du es weißt!
? there’s no knowing (inf) → das kann keiner sagen, das weiß niemand; there’s no knowing what he’ll do → man weiß nie, was er noch tut
? what do you know! (inf) → sieh mal einer an!; what do you know! I’ve just seen her! (inf) → stellen Sie sich vor, ich habe sie eben gesehen
? to be known ? also known; to be known (to somebody) → (jdm) bekannt sein; it is (well) known that … → es ist (allgemein) bekannt, dass …; is he/it known here? → ist er/das hier bekannt?, kennt man ihn/das hier?; to be known for something → für etw bekannt sein; he is known to have been here → man weiß, dass er hier war; he is known as Mr Smith → man kennt ihn als Herrn Smith; she wishes to be known as Mrs White → sie möchte Frau White genannt werden ? also known
? to make sb/sth known → jdn/etw bekannt machen; to make it known that … → bekannt geben, dass …; to make oneself known → sich melden (to sb bei jdm); (= introduce oneself) → sich vorstellen (to sb jdm); (= become well-known) → sich (dat) → einen Namen machen; to make one’s presence known → sich melden (to bei)
? to become known → bekannt werden; (= famous) → berühmt werden
? to let it be known that … → bekannt geben, dass …
? to be in the know inf → eingeweiht sein, im Bild sein (inf), → Bescheid wissen (inf); the people in the know say … → Leute, die darüber Bescheid wissen, sagen …, die Fachleute sagen …
? know about vi +prep obj (= have factual knowledge, experience of) history, maths, politics → sich auskennen in (+dat); Africa → Bescheid wissen über (+acc); women, men, cars, horses → sich auskennen mit; (= be aware of, have been told about) → wissen von; I know about that → das weiß ich; I didn’t know about that → das wusste ich nicht; I only knew about it yesterday → ich habe erst gestern davon gehört; I’d rather not know about it → das möchte ich lieber nicht wissen; did you know about Maggie? → weißt du über Maggie Bescheid?; I know about John, but is anyone else absent? → John, das weiß ich, aber fehlt sonst noch jemand?; to get to know about somebody/something → von jdm/etw hören; I don’t know about that → davon weiß ich nichts; (= don’t agree) → da bin ich aber nicht so sicher; I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry → ich weiß nicht, wie es Ihnen geht, aber ich habe Hunger; she’s very clever, isn’t she? — I don’t know about clever, but she certainly knows how to use people → sie ist sehr klug, nicht wahr? — klug, na, ich weiß nicht, aber sie weiß Leute auszunutzen vt sep +prep obj to know a lot/nothing/something about something (= have factual knowledge) → viel/nichts/einiges über etw (acc) → wissen; (in history, maths etc) → in etw (dat) → gut/nicht/ein bisschen Bescheid wissen; (about cars, horses etc) → viel/nichts/einiges von etw verstehen; (= be aware of, have been told about) → viel/nichts/einiges von etw wissen; we don’t know anything about him → wir wissen nichts über ihn; that was the first I knew about it → davon hatte ich nichts gewusst; not much is known about that → darüber weiß man nicht viel; I know all about that → da kenne ich mich aus; (= I’m aware of that) → das weiß ich; (= I’ve been told about it) → ich weiß Bescheid; I know all about you → ich weiß über Sie Bescheid; that’s all you know about it! (iro) → das meinst auch nur du!; I don’t know about that! → da bin ich mir nicht so sicher!
? know of vi +prep obj café, better method → kennen; (= have heard of) sb, sb’s death → gehört haben von; I soon got to know of all the facts/all his problems → ich war bald über alle Fakten/all seine Probleme informiert; I know of him, although I’ve never met him → ich habe von ihm gehört, aber ich habe ihn noch nie getroffen; not that I know of → nicht, dass ich wüsste
[nəʊ] (knew (vb: pt) (known (pp)))to know that ... → sapere che...
to get to know sth → venire a sapere qc
to know how to do sth → saper fare qc
he knows all the answers → sa rispondere a tutte le domande (pej) → sa sempre tutto
he knows what he's talking about → parla con cognizione di causa
to know one's (own) mind → sapere ciò che si vuole
I know nothing about it → non ne so niente
there's no knowing what may happen → chissà cosa succederà
it soon became known that ... → si è presto venuto a sapere che...
to make sth known to sb → far sapere qc a qn
he is known to have been there → si sa che c'è stato
it's worth knowing what/how ... → vale la pena sapere che cosa/come ...
to know sth backwards → conoscere qc a menadito
let me know how you get on → fammi sapere come va
you know how it is → sai com'è
I knew it! → lo sapevo!
I don't know him → non lo conosco
to know sb by sight/by name → conoscere qn di vista/di nome
to get to know sb → conoscere meglio qn
I don't know him to speak to → lo conosco solo di vista
to make o.s. known to sb → presentarsi a qn
he is known as X → è conosciuto con or sotto il nome di X
I knew him by his voice → l'ho riconosciuto dalla voce
she knows a good painting when she sees one → sa riconoscere un buon dipinto
to know the difference between ... → saper distinguere fra...
to know right from wrong → distinguere il bene dal male
as far as I know ... → che io sappia..., per quanto ne so io...
we'll let you know → le faremo sapere
how should I know? → come vuoi che lo sappia?
no, not that I know of → no, che io sappia
there's no (way of) knowing → non c'è modo di saperlo
it's not easy, you know → non è facile, sai
yes, I know → sì, lo so
I don't know → non lo so
you ought to know better (than to ...) → dovresti saperlo da solo (che non è il caso di...)
she says she didn't do it, but I know better → ha detto che non è stata lei, ma a me non la fa
he doesn't know any better → non ha criterio or giudizio
you know best → nessuno può saperlo meglio di te
(well,) what do you know! (fam) → chi l'avrebbe mai detto!
to know about or of sth → essere a conoscenza di qc
to know about or of sb → aver sentito parlare di qn
to get to know about sth → venire a sapere qc
how many "don't knows" are there? → quanti sono gli incerti?